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Monday, July 30, 2012

A Good Family Weekend and Dehydrator Love

This past Saturday we went to Chris's grandma's house. His parents were there as well. I brought two loaves of zucchini bread to give to them and Chris made his salsa to share. We also brought fruit to snack on in the car. While the weather was still warm and sunny we played in the pool, but then we noticed some dark clouds rolling in and there was some thunder and lightning not far off. After hanging out inside for a while, everyone was getting pretty hungry so Chris's dad Clark and I went to the grocery store for the makings of dinner cooked on the grill. We made portabello mushroom burgers, grilled eggplant, and grilled pineapple. Also, the salsa was such a hit, we made a huge bowl of that again. There was also steak for the omnivores. And for dessert we roasted marshmallows and made s'mores. It was still pouring, so we took shelter in the gazebo which is thankfully close to the fire pit :).

I completely forgot to take pictures of the food, but I did get shots by the pool!

At dinner, Grammy Brenda revealed that she had a dehydrator (among MANY other kitchen devices) that she no longer uses. She offered it to me, and as I have been wanting one for a long time, I said yesofcoursethankyouwoohoo! Thanks Grammy Brenda! :)

So, ever since Saturday, I have been dreaming up the various snacks I will be using it to make! I have a few ideas in the works, but tell me, do you have any favorite dehydrator recipes to share?

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